Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My First Post

Last night Dan and I saw an advertisement for Old Navy’s Fall Sweater line.

Not only did I LOVE what I saw but Dan did too. (okay, so maybe saying Dan loved a sweater is a little much)

He HAS promised me, however, that he would buy a sweater for me from Old Navy with the car detailing fundage he received on Friday. Go Danno!

Oh, and I love Dan too.

Visit http://www.oldnavy.com/ to take a peek for yourself.

Further Description...

Webster’s definition of love, the verb, is being affectionate for something or someone, to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for, to have a strong liking for; to take great pleasure in, or to need, require or benefit greatly from.

“Love Shmove”, the name of my new blog, is a name that I actually feel quite passionate about. You can ask my husband.

This blog will highlight some of the "things" we love.

I will set out to humor you and I will do my best to fulfill your expectations of what a "LOVE SHMOVE" blog might look like.

Please leave feedback in the way of comments. Suggestions you have will be taken into consideration.