Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I love having breakfast in bed at 6:30 each morning with my husband.

Sound silly?

I KNOW it sounds silly... 6:30 is VERY EARLY, especially for me.

I wouldn't trade in a million years, my time with Dan in the morning before going to work.

I love, love, love breakfast!

Oh, and I love Dan too.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Neighbors that care

I love, love, love... neighbors that care.

I received a call this morning at a little after 7 a.m. from Ms. Ford.

She told me that my neighbor, Ms. Anthony, is in the hospital.

Ms. Ford cooked meals regularly for Ms. Anthony, who has MS. She has also sent food to our home in the past.

Ms. Ford has a heart of gold - and I love her.

(oh! and I love Dan too)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My First Post

Last night Dan and I saw an advertisement for Old Navy’s Fall Sweater line.

Not only did I LOVE what I saw but Dan did too. (okay, so maybe saying Dan loved a sweater is a little much)

He HAS promised me, however, that he would buy a sweater for me from Old Navy with the car detailing fundage he received on Friday. Go Danno!

Oh, and I love Dan too.

Visit http://www.oldnavy.com/ to take a peek for yourself.

Further Description...

Webster’s definition of love, the verb, is being affectionate for something or someone, to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for, to have a strong liking for; to take great pleasure in, or to need, require or benefit greatly from.

“Love Shmove”, the name of my new blog, is a name that I actually feel quite passionate about. You can ask my husband.

This blog will highlight some of the "things" we love.

I will set out to humor you and I will do my best to fulfill your expectations of what a "LOVE SHMOVE" blog might look like.

Please leave feedback in the way of comments. Suggestions you have will be taken into consideration.